Here at SGM, with God's leading, we are building people and pushing them into their destiny and God-given purpose. We inspire people and equip them with practical tools that will help them in their everyday lives.
Children's Ministry
We believe it is our responsibility to fulfill Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents],
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Weekly Inspirational Word (W.I.W)
A blog to encourage the person within to overcome day-to-day living despite life's day-to-day attempt to discourage.
At The Table Young Adult Ministry
Creating a culture that reflects we are here to serve our generation through pursuing our God given purpose by His guidance.
Worship in Music Ministry
We worship not to showcase our talents but to direct the hearts of others to the awareness of God’s presence in worship.
Outreach Ministry
Our outreach ministry is to serve both those in our local fellowship as well as our community. We believe, no one is beyond need in which God is incapable of providing, therefore we serve others in giving and in fellowship just as Christ.
*Please see events page for any outreach opportunities*
SGM Choir
Make a joyful noise
unto the Lord