What is it that we need to learn during these storms? The world is shut down so that you can see YOU. Unrest is happening so that we can get back to the purpose we were designed to do. What are you learning during this time? What demand on your gifts should you be exhibiting during this time? We no longer have the luxury of sitting down and turning a blinded eye. We should not be the same people we were before the storms. It's time to self- reflect on what you need to get up and do. You have to, not only be that light for the world to follow, but you have to be bold enough to confess, "I missed it too." You have to be able to say, "I got too comfortable", "I only thought about me and mine", "I pointed the finger at you and your mess instead of dealing with me and mine.
"We're praying God changes the world...maybe we need to pray, "God change me for the world!"