What did God say to you, that you forgot about?
What promises did you put on the back burner because you looked at your current situation? Numbers 23:19, says God is not a God that He should lie, if He spoke it, He will do it (KJV Paraphrased).
We have to remember what God said to us and hold on until it comes to pass. It may not be easy sometimes to trust His timing or season, but it will come to pass because He is a person of His Word. People may lie, and let you down, but God cannot and will not lie. I heard a song by Chandler Moore called, “Man of Your Word", and it speaks about how awesome our God is, and how He honors what He says. Think back to what God said to you. Think back to what you read in the Bible and all the promises that God wrote to you. Remember today what He promised you, and own it, because it is yours today!
Pastor Camille